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ATD Group is a reference in Brazil and South America in the integration of multimodal logistics solutions, support services to infrastructure development and industrial assembly. Our operational HQ is located in São Paulo, Brazil, and our four international offices currently are in Madrid (Spain), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Lima (Peru) and Santiago (Chile).

Since its foundation, ATD has strategically covered all kinds of over dimensional cargoes in the sectors of Oil & GAS, being in charge of complete logistics solutions such as international freights, port operations in private and public terminals, handling in shipyards using SPMT, and support liftings for industrial assembling and modular construction using cranes.

In Brazil, we hold certification as Freight Forwarder services and for OTM (Multimodal Operator), being also NVOCC both in Chile and Brazil, giving to our client end to end solution, integrating the whole logistic responsibility within a single contract, in activities such as heavy road transportation, sea freight, river freight, drayage, handling and customs processes.

ATD Group

Regions of Operation

Central America

Central America

Latin America

Latin America

Northern Europe

Northern Europe

Europe Mediterranean

Europe Mediterranean



South Korea

South Korea






Deliver our clients differentiated solutions in terms of competitivity, schedule and safety, creating value in their contracts with our services.


To be a supplier of reference in the sectors of Oil & Gas, Energy, Renewable Energy, Industry and Transportation, in services of engineering and logistics, in contracts of EPC and large industrial supplies.


  • Transparency
  • Knowledge
  • Integrity
  • Attitude


Brasil - São Paulo

Avenida Angélica, 1.757, Cj. 53
Cep: 01227-200
São Paulo / SP

Spain - Madrid

Marques de la Valdabia, 42, 3, 6, 28100
Alcobendas - Madrid

Chile - Santiago de Chile

Avenida Vitacura, 2939 - Piso 10
Santiago de Chile

Peru - Lima

Lima - San Isidro Begonias
10th Floor, Begonias Building/ Begonias 0415
San Isidro, Lima 27

Argentina - Buenos Aires

Puerto Madero
Torre Colonos Plaza Sur,
Victoria Ocampo 360, 3rd Floor
C1107BGA - Buenos Aires

Quality and Certificates

  • ISO 9001 ATD Group has the certificate of quality ISO 9001.
  • ANTT We are also enabled as Multimodal Transport Operator at ANTT, logged in DNIT, and can act without Brazilian market being issuer for transport license as multimodal transportation.