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National and international logistics for FPSO - TUPI BV P67 & P70 cargoes

Tags: Oil & Gas Upstream SPMT Petrobras

return National and international logistics for FPSO - TUPI BV P67 & P70 cargoes

Client: COOEC International Ltd (China).

About the project

ATD Group was responsible for the comprehensive execution of packaging, container loading, handling and control activities for exporting loose items cargoes, reactors, skids, piperacks, generators, pipelines, preassembled modules and other cargoes associated to FPSO P67 & P70 platforms.

In total, it represented about 60.000m3 of cargoes which were exported from the terminal of INTEGRA Off Shore (located in the Super Porto de Açu, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil) and delivered at the private terminal owned by COOEC International Ltda. (located in Qingdao, China), the company responsible for hiring our services, and for finishing the assembling of both FPSO units. For the execution of this work, ATD Group used a wide variety of resources, such as SPMT axle lines, load-out floaters, 200ton lifting capacity cranes, and multiple vehicles for internal handling inside the terminal.

During the 7 months of the project, lead a team of 80 people at the terminal, and a part of them was allocated at the carpentry for the customized manufacturing of packages, working under the procedures required by the PETROBRAS-Tupi BV regulations. Over 350 containers (SOC) were bought to complete the 5 vessels designed for HLV (Heavy Lift Multipurpose) for loose items and 2 vessels (HLV) were used for the preassembled modules.

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