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Global logistics for IE Madeira – main transformers

Tags: Power transmission Conventional Energy

return Global logistics for IE Madeira – main transformers

Client: ISOLUX / IE Madeira (Global logistics for IE Madeira – Main transformers)

ATD Group was responsible for all logistics into Brazil for main transformers (28 units), weighing 270 ton (type A) and 300 ton (type B), consider both international cargoes (ALSTOM – UK), and national cargoes (ALSTOM – Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil).

The activities under our responsibilities for the 28 main transformers were:

- Feasibility study and preliminary survey;
- Engineering for transportation through all South (Canoas – Porto Alegre / Canoas - Araraquara) and North (Porto Velho - Porto Velho) routes;
- Off-shore engineering for load-out, load-in, lashing and navigation with main transformers through ocean and river barge;
- Handling -in / out transformers from ALSTOM and internal transportation to external warehouse area.
- Ocean freight for national transportation from Porto Alegre (RS) to Belém (PA), through both gear crane vessels for break bulk and ocean barge.
- Side by side offloading from vessel to barge (Belém, PA) before access Rio Madeira for river navigation to Porto Velho.
- Special road transportation for Santos to Araraquara and from Porto Velho - Porto Velho.

In summary, the figures for this project were:

- 5 conveyor beam for transportation working at the same time

- 28 licences for special road transportation

- 8  national ocean freights from Porto Alegre to Santos and Belém

- 7 river freights from Belém to Porto Velho through Rio Madeira

- civil works opening new ocean terminal in Rio Grande for dispatching in highest efficiency main transformers from ALSTOM factory, using both Porto Alegre Port and Lagoa dos Patos Termina, using gantry cranes in river terminals, port terminals, ALSTOM´s factory and both sites.

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